Marketing Console Users Guide

Content Tokens

Content Tokens allow a marketer to personalize messages. For example, an admin can put a token firstname into an email to display the member’s first name.

Content Tokens also allow a marketer to define simple, reusable bits of content, such as the “from” email address when sending mailings. Tokens support localization, so these bits of content can vary based on the member’s language preference.

Content Tokens can usually just be called “Tokens”. One could also think of them as “Dynamic Content Tokens”, since they are dynamic.

Using Tokens

All tokens can be used in the content editor, either formatted as Token Elements or Merge Tokens. Tokens of type “merge” can contain the Merge Token syntax. The predefined system tokens are used implicitly in special places in the system, such as the Email From address.

The content editor will show a real-time preview of Test Members for all Token Elements.

Token Elements

Tokens can be inserted into content as Token Elements. These are valid DOM elements (such as a DIV, SPAN, or IMG tag) with a CSS class in the format “stl_token_”.


Apply To…

Each token has an Apply To setting that defines how the value of a token will be applied to the Token Element.

Since the token variable will be used as part of a CSS class name, it is critical that the token variable be validated as a valid CSS class name when defined by the admin.

If the member attribute value is empty or null, then the token “Default Value” should be used instead, even if the default value is blank.

Token Types

The Cheetah Digital Loyalty Content Token supports six types:

Merge Tokens

Merge Tokens can contain references to other Content Tokens, including conditional logic. The token value is built up as a merged string of several other tokens that are expanded inline in the outer string of the token definition, such as “Name: {{stl_token_firstname}} {{stl_token_lastname}}”.

Merge Token syntax surrounds each tokens variable in double curly braces, such as “{{stl_token_firstname}}”.

Basic Usage

Advanced Usage: Handlebars

Merge Tokens use Handlebars syntax, which has conditional logic and can accommodate even complicated needs. For basic syntax, refer to: See below for various loyalty examples, some of which are quite advanced.

Example: Cascading Defaults

This example shows how to test multiple attribute values, using the first that is not empty.

{{#if stl_token_card_id}}{{stl_token_card_id}}

{{#if stl_token_card_id}}{{stl_card_id}}
{{~else if stl_token_card_id}}{{stl_card_id}}


Salutations can be constructed as Merge Tokens. Even formal salutations with nuanced and complicated social rules are possible.

Example: USA Salutation

Dear {{stl_token_first_name}}, 

Example: Italian Salutation

{{#if stl_token_lastname~}}
    {{~#if_eq stl_token_gender 'f'~}}
        cara {{stl_token_lastname}}
        caro {{stl_token_lastname}}

Example: German Salutation

{{#if stl_token_lastname~}}
    {{~#if_eq stl_token_gender 'm'~}}
        Sehr geehrter Herr {{stl_token_academicdegree}} {{stl_token_lastname}}
     {{~else if_eq stl_token_gender 'f'~}}
        Sehr geehrte Frau {{stl_token_academicdegree}} {{stl_token_lastname}}
        Sehr geehrte(r) Herr/ Frau {{stl_token_academicdegree}} {{stl_token_lastname}}
  Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren

Example of Setting up a Content Token

The instructions for setting up the First Name content token are below:

  1. Go to Admin > Content > Content Tokens.
  2. Type “First Name” and select token type “Member Attribute”, then click “Create”.
  3. Choose the Member Attribute “First Name”.
  4. Set a Default Value like “Friend” in case any members do not have a first name set.
  5. Leave API Visible=checked (true) so your web and mobile clients can use this token.
  6. Click on “Save” and the dialog will close; your content token is now available for use.

Example of creating token Example of saving token

Sample Content Tokens

The tokens listed below are commonly used by other programs. For your convenience, Cheetah Digital Loyalty automatically creates the tokens marked with an asterisk (*) but you can customize them as needed.

Token Name Type Setup
First Name * Member Attribute Member Attribute = First Name; Default Value = “Friend”
Last Name Member Attribute Member Attribute = First Name; Default Value = “”
Member ID * Member Attribute Member Attribute = Member ID
Email * Member Attribute Member Attribute = Email
Point Balance * Metric Metric = Point; Metric Value = Balance; Default Value = “0”
Full Name Merge Token Value = “ ”
Salutation Merge Token Value = “Dear , ”
Program Name Static Value = “Loyalty Program”
Support Email Static Value = “”
Support Phone Static Value = “(650) 555-1212”
Program Home Static Value = “”, Apply To = “Link”

Message Template Content Tokens

Cheetah Digital Loyalty has some content tokens with special behavior in Message Templates. These are not editable and do not appear in the list of content tokens.

Token Variable Apply To Behavior
stl_operational_hidden element Hides element if message setting Operational=true
stl_web_version link links to the “web version” of the email message
stl_unsubscribe link links to Communication Preferences content page.