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All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- IMAGE - com.cheetahdigital.uikit.application.SplashActivity.Type
- ImageFragment - Class in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.carousel.fragments
- ImageFragment() - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.carousel.fragments.ImageFragment
- ImageFromUriFragment - Class in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.carousel.fragments
- ImageFromUriFragment() - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.carousel.fragments.ImageFromUriFragment
- ImageFromUrlFragment - Class in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.carousel.fragments
- ImageFromUrlFragment() - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.carousel.fragments.ImageFromUrlFragment
- ImageFromUrlPagerAdapter - Class in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.carousel.adapters
The Adapter to be used to display image from url.
- ImageFromUrlPagerAdapter(FragmentManager) - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.carousel.adapters.ImageFromUrlPagerAdapter
- ImageFromUrlPagerAdapter(FragmentManager, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.carousel.adapters.ImageFromUrlPagerAdapter
Constructor for ImageFromUrlPagerAdapter.
- ImageIntent - Class in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper
A Utility class for launching an Intent to acquire an image from the Camera, Gallery, or Camera/Gallery.
- ImageIntent(Activity) - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.ImageIntent
Constructor for
- ImageIntent.Mode - Enum in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper
- increment(int) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.BadgeView
Increment the numeric badge label.
- IndexedInterface - Interface in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list
The base interface when creating indexed Hashmaps.
- IndexedItemDecoration - Class in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list
Style a
with an index from A-Z. - IndexedItemDecoration(Context) - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list.IndexedItemDecoration
Constructor for IndexedItemDecoration.
- IndexedRecyclerView - Class in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list
Styles the RecyclerView to be sorted and indexed in alphabetical order.
- IndexedRecyclerView(Context) - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list.IndexedRecyclerView
- IndexedRecyclerView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list.IndexedRecyclerView
- IndexedRecyclerView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list.IndexedRecyclerView
- indHeight - Static variable in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list.IndexedRecyclerView
- indWidth - Static variable in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list.IndexedRecyclerView
- init(boolean) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.carousel.SimpleCarousel
Initialize carousel with default parameters.
- init(Context, int, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.LoadingList
Initializes the layout containing the LoadingList.
- initCarouselPageIndicator() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.carousel.Carousel
Initializes carousel page indicator.
- initializeFacebookButtonLogin(Activity, int, String...) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.socialmedia.FacebookHelper
Initializes facebook button login on Activity.
- initializeFacebookButtonLogin(Fragment, View, Context, int, String...) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.socialmedia.FacebookHelper
Initializes facebook button login on a fragment Take note call FacebookSdk.sdkIntialized first before super.onCreate on your activity.
- initializeFacebookLogin(Activity, String...) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.socialmedia.FacebookHelper
Initializes Facebook Login with the stated permissions Make sure to implement FacebookHelper.FacebookLoginCallBack on your activity/fragment Also call: FacebookHelper.onActivityResult(requestCode,resultCode,data), on onActivityResult
- initializeFacebookLogin(Fragment, String...) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.socialmedia.FacebookHelper
Initializes Facebook Login with the stated permissions Make sure to implement FacebookHelper.FacebookLoginCallBack on your activity/fragment Also call: FacebookHelper.onActivityResult(requestCode,resultCode,data), on onActivityResult
- initializeGooglePlace(Context, String) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.search.PlaceAutocompleteWidget
Initialize Google Place API with custom key
- initImage(View) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.application.SplashActivity
Initializes the image or GIF splash screen by setting the view to use the resource ID returned by the getImageResource() method for image or the resource ID returned by getGIFResource() method for GIF.
- initPageIndicator() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.carousel.SimpleCarousel
Initializes the page indicator.
- initSharedElementValues() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.architecture.mvp.MvpActivityView
Initializes shared element values.
- initSharedElementValues(View) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.architecture.mvp.MvpFragmentView
Initializes shared element values.
- initSplash() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.application.SplashActivity
Initializes the splash screen views and resources based on the type to be used.
- initVideo(View) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.application.SplashActivity
Initializes the video splash screen by setting the view to use the URI returned by the getVideoUri() method.
- InputAutocompleteTextView - Class in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.search
This class contains a Textview that autocompletes the user input.
- InputAutocompleteTextView(Context) - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.search.InputAutocompleteTextView
- InputAutocompleteTextView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.search.InputAutocompleteTextView
- InputAutocompleteTextView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.search.InputAutocompleteTextView
- insertItems(int, List<D>) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list.ListAdapter
Inserts all of the elements in the specified collection into this list at the specified position.
- INSTAGRAM_APP_ID - Static variable in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.InstagramLoginDialog
- INSTAGRAM_APP_SECRET - Static variable in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.InstagramLoginDialog
- INSTAGRAM_APP_URL - Static variable in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.InstagramLoginDialog
- INSTAGRAM_TOKEN_KEY - Static variable in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.socialmedia.InstagramGraphApiClient
- InstagramGraphApiClient - Class in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.socialmedia
Helper class for consuming the Instagram Basic Display API
- InstagramGraphApiClient(Context) - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.socialmedia.InstagramGraphApiClient
- InstagramGraphApiClient(Context, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.socialmedia.InstagramGraphApiClient
- InstagramGraphApiClient.AuthInterface - Interface in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.socialmedia
- InstagramGraphApiClient.User - Class in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.socialmedia
- InstagramLoginDialog - Class in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget
Instagram Login Dialog for receiving an access token
- InstagramLoginDialog() - Constructor for class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.InstagramLoginDialog
- InstagramLoginDialog.InstagramLoginCallback - Interface in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget
Interface to be implemented in order to handle Instagram login attempt.
- instantiateItem(ViewGroup, int) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.fragments.SmartFragmentStatePagerAdapter
Register the fragment when the item is instantiated
- into(ImageView) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.GlideHelper.GlideManager
- into(GlideHelper.GlideSimpleTarget) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.GlideHelper.GlideManager
- isActivityDestroyed(Activity) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.ViewUtils
Checks if activity is Destroyed.
- isAppending() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list.EndlessListAdapter
Load more state of the list
- isAppending() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list.EndlessListAndGridAdapter
Load more state of the list
- isAppending() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list.EndlessListPresenter
Load more state of the list
- isChecked() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.SDKCheckedTextView
Checks whether the checked textview is checked.
- isDetailsExitAnimationEnabled(Context) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.TransitionHelper
Checks if details exit animation is enabled.
- isDeviceFontIgnored(Context) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.FontHelper
Checks if device font is ignored based on shared preferences helper and context.
- isDownloadsDocument(Uri) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.MediaFileHelper
- isEmpty(String) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.TextHelper
Checks if String is null, empty and trimmed empty
- isEnabled() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.ActionTextView
- isExternalStorageDocument(Uri) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.MediaFileHelper
- isFileSizeExceed(MediaFile...) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.MediaFileHelper
Check files if exceeding server requirements
- isFileSizeExceed(List<MediaFile>) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.MediaFileHelper
Check files if exceeding server requirements
- isFillViewport() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.NestedScrollView
Indicates whether this ScrollView's content is stretched to fill the viewport.
- isFromWeb() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.opengraph.OpenGraph
Test if the Open Graph object was initially a representation of a web page
- isGranted() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.permissions.BasePermissionHelper
Check permission grant status
- isGridView() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list.EndlessListAndGridAdapter
- isGridView() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list.EndlessListAndGridFragmentView
- isGridView() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list.EndlessRecyclerListAndGridOnScrollListener
- isListAnimationEnabled() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list.ListFragmentView
- isListEmpty() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.list.ListAdapter
Checks if list is empty or null.
- isMediaDocument(Uri) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.MediaFileHelper
- isModalValid(String) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.CountryStateSelector
Check if country has an available modal state
- isNativeAppInstalled() - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.socialmedia.FacebookHelper
Check if the native Facebook app is installed.
- isNestedScrollingEnabled() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.NestedScrollView
- isNumberSavedToPhone(Context, String) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.SaveContactHelper
Checks if mobile number is saved to phone.
- isPagingEnabled() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.pager.PagerFragment
Returns paging settings
- isRefreshing() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.architecture.refreshable.RefreshablePresenter
Set if current instance is refreshing
- isScratchable() - Method in interface com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.scratch.IWScratchView
Whether the view receive user on touch motion
- isScratchable() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.scratch.WScratchView
- isShakeHandlingEnabled() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.application.ThemedActivity
Dictates whether shake handling is enabled.
- isSharedAnimationEnabled() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.architecture.mvp.MvpActivityView
Dictates whether shared element animation is enabled.
- isSharedAnimationEnabled() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.architecture.mvp.MvpFragmentView
- isShown() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.BadgeView
- isSkippable() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.application.SplashActivity
Dictates whether the user can skip the splash screen with a tap.
- isSmoothScrollingEnabled() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.NestedScrollView
- isStringNumeric(String) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.ThemeSelector
- isSupportedImageFile(String) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.MediaFileHelper
Supported Image File Extensions: png jpeg jpg gif
- isSupportedVideoFile(String) - Static method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.helper.MediaFileHelper
Supported Video File Formats tested through Android CTS http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/media-formats.html 3gp mp4 ts mkv webm
- isViewAttached() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.uikit.architecture.mvp.MvpBasePresenter
Checks if a view is attached to this presenter.
- IWScratchView - Interface in com.cheetahdigital.uikit.widget.scratch
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