All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary
Class |
Description |
AboutAppActivity |
Activity that displays the version of the app and the version of the SDK that is being used by
the app.
AccountsPermissionHelper |
Accounts permission helper class
AccountsPermissionHelper.AccountPermissionCallback |
ActionTextView |
A TextView with specified action
Currently accepts a maximum of 2 actions
ActionTextView.Action |
AttachmentPicker |
This is used as a helper class in getting Intents for Newsfeed Attachment (for Newsfeed Post feature)
It basically returns the Intent that is necessary to pick or capture images or videos.
AutoPageListFragmentView<A extends EndlessListAdapter,V extends EndlessListView,P extends EndlessListPresenter<V>> |
A EndlessListFragmentView which supports auto loading of its pages even without
scrolling to the bottom of the list.
BadgeView |
Class that handles the display of badges.
BarcodeGenerator |
Barcode Image Generation Helper Class
BarcodeGenerator.BarcodeGeneratedListener |
Callback used when Barcode is generated.
BaseActivity |
Base Activity used for receiving Events thrown by EventBus.
BasePermissionHelper |
Base class for permission helpers
BaseViewPager |
CameraPermissionHelper |
Camera permission helper class
CameraPermissionHelper.CameraPermissionCallback |
CameraStoragePermissionHelper |
Storage permission helper class
CameraStoragePermissionHelper.CameraStorageCallback |
Carousel |
Class for creating an image carousel.
Carousel.CarouselListener |
Interface to be implemented in order
to handle when a new page becomes selected..
Carousel.CarouselSwipeListener |
Interface to be implemented in order
to handle when the carousel is swiped.
CircularImageFragment |
ConfirmDialogFragment |
Fragment for creating a confirm dialog.
ConfirmDialogFragment.ConfirmDialogListener |
Callback for the confirm dialog positive and negative response.
ContactsPermissionHelper |
Permission helper class for read and write contacts
ContactsPermissionHelper.ContactsPermissionCallback |
Countdown |
Helper class for counting down a number of items,
can be used for doing multiple tasks and you want
to be notified that the tasks were already finished
or aborted.
Countdown.AbortListener |
Callback used when countdown is aborted.
Countdown.FinishListener |
Callback used when countdown has ended.
CountryDecoder |
This is used as a helper class in decoding R.string.countries that are base64 encoded
to avoid special characters.
CountryDecoder.BaseCountry |
BaseCountry class
CountryDialog |
CountryDialog.Country |
CountryDialog.CountryListener |
Callback used when country is clicked.
CountryStateSelector |
Class for initializing the country state selector.
CountryStateSelector.Country |
Country class.
CountryStateSelector.CountryPickerListener |
Callback used when country is selected
CountryStateSelector.StatePickerListener |
Callback used when state is selected
CropCircleTransformation |
Class that crops bitmap into a circular shape.
DateHelper |
Helper class for formatting and converting Date and Calendar objects.
DateSelector |
DateSelector is a widget for selecting a date.
DateSelector.DatePickerListener |
Callback used when date is selected
DeepLinkHelper |
Handles deeplink
DelayButton |
Button that supports multi-click and customizable theme.
DimensionConverter |
Converts dimensions from one unit to another; dp to px for example.
DividerItemDecoration |
Class for adding a stylized divider to the RecyclerView.
EditLabelDialogFragment |
This is a dialog for use when getting a text input from the user.
EditLabelDialogFragment.OnLabelEditedListener |
Listens for when the user confirms setting a text value
EditText |
Custom EditText that has a shake animation and vibration when error text is set.
EmailEditText |
EditText widget which allows user to see list of options to choose from
EmailEditText.Accounts |
Account Types
EndlessListActivityView<A extends EndlessListAdapter,V extends EndlessListView,P extends EndlessListPresenter<V>> |
An activity that has a list with endless scrolling.
EndlessListAdapter<D extends,VH extends androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.ViewHolder> |
A ListAdapter that supports Endless Scrolling and displays a Progress Bar at the bottom.
EndlessListAdapter.ProgressViewHolder |
EndlessListAdapter.ReloadViewHolder |
EndlessListAndGridAdapter<D extends,VH extends androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.ViewHolder> |
A ListAdapter that supports Endless Scrolling and displays a Progress Bar at the bottom.
EndlessListAndGridAdapter.ProgressViewHolder |
EndlessListAndGridAdapter.ReloadViewHolder |
EndlessListAndGridFragmentView<A extends EndlessListAndGridAdapter,V extends EndlessListView,P extends EndlessListPresenter<V>> |
EndlessListFragmentView<A extends EndlessListAdapter,V extends EndlessListView,P extends EndlessListPresenter<V>> |
EndlessListPresenter<V extends EndlessListView> |
EndlessListView |
View that supports for Endless Lists
EndlessRecyclerListAndGridOnScrollListener |
Endless Scroll Listener for RecyclerView which triggers loading of more items on the RecyclerView
when scrolling to the end of the list.
EndlessRecyclerOnScrollListener |
Endless Scroll Listener for RecyclerView which triggers loading of more items on the RecyclerView
when scrolling to the end of the list.
FacebookHelper |
Helper class for Facebook calls.
FacebookHelper.FacebookLoginCallBack |
View to be implemented when initialization of Facebook login is called
FacebookHelper.FacebookShareCallBack |
View to be implemented when initialization of Facebook Share is called
FontHelper |
Helper class for fonts.
GlideHelper |
Helper class for displaying Bitmaps using Glide.
GlideHelper.GlideListener |
GlideHelper.GlideManager |
GlideHelper.GlideSimpleTarget |
GlideHelper.ImageType |
GooglePlaceAutoFillWidget |
GooglePlaceAutoFillWidget contains views that are populated
using InputAutocompleteTextView with the help of Google Places API.
ImageFragment |
ImageFromUriFragment |
ImageFromUrlFragment |
ImageFromUrlPagerAdapter |
The Adapter to be used to display image from url.
ImageIntent |
A Utility class for launching an Intent to acquire an image from the Camera, Gallery, or Camera/Gallery.
ImageIntent.Mode |
IndexedInterface |
The base interface when creating indexed Hashmaps.
IndexedItemDecoration |
Style a RecyclerView.ItemDecoration with an index from A-Z.
IndexedRecyclerView |
Styles the RecyclerView to be sorted and indexed in alphabetical order.
InputAutocompleteTextView |
This class contains a Textview that autocompletes the user input.
InstagramGraphApiClient |
Helper class for consuming the Instagram Basic Display API
InstagramGraphApiClient.AuthInterface |
InstagramLoginDialog |
Instagram Login Dialog for receiving an access token
InstagramLoginDialog.InstagramLoginCallback |
Interface to be implemented in order
to handle Instagram login attempt.
IWScratchView |
KeyboardDetectEditText |
Class used for detecting user-inputted keystroke.
LceActivityView<V extends LceView,P extends LcePresenter<V>> |
LceAnimator |
Little helper class for animating content, error and loading view
LceFragmentView<V extends LceView,P extends LcePresenter<V>> |
LcePresenter<V extends LceView> |
A Presenter which supports loading of data to be shown via LceView .
LceView |
A view which handles the LCE pattern
LinkHelper |
Helper class for getting the embed url and Youtube ID.
LinkPreviewView |
Class that contains views for displaying the contents of the Link Preview.
LinkPreviewView.LinkPreview |
LinkPreview class
ListActivityView<V extends ListView,P extends ListPresenter<V>> |
ListAdapter<D extends,VH extends androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.ViewHolder> |
A RecyclerView Adapter which handles BaseData and displays an EmptyView when there is not item to be shown.
ListAdapter.EmptyViewHolder |
Helper class to create an empty view holder.
ListFragmentView<V extends ListView,P extends ListPresenter<V>> |
ListPresenter<V extends ListView> |
A Presenter that supports the refreshing of list data to display.
ListView |
List View which may support Endless Scrolling
LoadingList |
A RecyclerView which supports loadinglist items when
scrolling to the bottom of the list.
LoadingView |
Class used for adding custom loading animation.
LocalBroadcastHelper |
Helper class for sending local broadcast on modules with registered receivers
LocationPermissionHelper |
Location permission helper class
LocationPermissionHelper.LocationPermissionCallback |
MediaFile |
Wrapper class to subsitute previous version of Retrofit's TypeFile
MediaFileHelper |
Helper class for handling compression and transformation of media files.
MetaElement |
Represents OpenGraph enabled meta data for a specific document
ModalEditText |
Class used for displaying modal EditText.
MonthYearPicker |
MonthYearPicker is a widget for selecting the month and year.
MvpActivityView<V extends MvpView,P extends MvpNullObjectBasePresenter<V>> |
An AppCompatActivity which implements MvpView .
MvpBasePresenter<V extends MvpView> |
A base implementation of a MvpPresenter that uses a WeakReference for referring
to the attached view.
MvpFragmentView<V extends MvpView,P extends MvpNullObjectBasePresenter<V>> |
A Fragment which implements MvpView .
MvpLceView |
An MvpView which follows the Loading-Content-Error model
MvpNullObjectBasePresenter<V extends MvpView> |
MvpPresenter<V extends MvpView> |
The base interface for each mvp presenter
MvpToolbarActivityView<V extends MvpView,P extends MvpNullObjectBasePresenter<V>> |
A subclass of MvpActivityView which requires a Toolbar to be present in the layout with the id @+id/toolbar.
MvpView |
The root view interface for every mvp view
NestedScrollView |
NestedScrollView is just like ScrollView , but it supports acting
as both a nested scrolling parent and child on both new and old versions of Android.
NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the scroll
X or Y positions of a view change.
NotifyDialogFragment |
Fragment for creating a notify dialog.
NotifyDialogFragment.NotifyDialogListener |
Callback used when notified with a dialog.
OpenGraph |
A Java object representation of an Open Graph enabled webpage.
OpenGraphNamespace |
Represents an OpenGraph namespace
OptionSelector |
Class that populates a view with radio button/s (default) or a custom view (using PickerViewListener)
OptionSelector.PickerViewListener |
Callback used when creating item view
PagerAdapter |
Generic adapter for displaying fragments in a ViewPager
PagerFragment |
Fragment for showing multiple fragments as pages in a view pager via PagerAdapter
PagerFragment |
PagerFragment for attaching custom fragments to view pagers.
PhoneNumberFormattingTextWatcher |
A TextWatcher used for formatting the phone number.
PlaceAutocompleteWidget |
PlaceAutocompleteWidget.PlaceDetailListener |
Interface to be implemented in order
to handle the on click items of the autocomplete prediction list.
PlaceAutocompleteWidget.PlaceTextListener |
Callback for after text changed.
PlaceAutoFillWidget |
PlaceAutoFillWidget contains views for displaying the
Address, City, State, Country, and ZipCode.
PlacesAdapter |
PlayServicesUtils |
Util class for Google Play Services
Presenter<V extends MvpView> |
RatingView |
Class for displaying the Rating View.
RatingView.OnRatingChangedListener |
Interface to be implemented in order
to handle on rating changed.
RefreshableActivityView<V extends RefreshableView,P extends RefreshablePresenter<V>> |
Base MvpActivityView which supports Refreshing via SwipeRefreshLayout , together
with the Loading-Content-Error pattern.
RefreshableFragmentView<V extends RefreshableView,P extends RefreshablePresenter<V>> |
RefreshablePresenter<V extends RefreshableView> |
A Presenter which supports loading and refreshing of data to shown via RefreshableView .
RefreshableView |
A view which adds handling of refreshes on top of the LCE pattern
RightDrawableListener |
Listener for when a drawable should be drawn to the right of the text.
SaveContactHelper |
SDKCheckedTextView |
Checked TextView with customizable check mark gravity
SDKToolbar |
Wrapper class for all the toolbars in the app.
ShakeEventHandler |
Interface to be implemented in order
to handle shaking event.
ShakeEventListener |
Created by deanalvinmoncada on 29/12/2016.
SimpleCarousel |
Class for creating a simple image carousel.
SmartFragmentStatePagerAdapter |
Extension of FragmentStatePagerAdapter which intelligently caches
all active fragments and manages the fragment lifecycles.
SplashActivity |
This is the abstract base Splash Activity.
SplashActivity.Type |
StickyHeaderAdapter<T extends androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.ViewHolder> |
StickyHeaderDecoration |
For use on RecyclerViews to achieve a Sticky Header Implementation
StoragePermissionHelper |
Storage permission helper class
StoragePermissionHelper.StoragePermissionCallback |
TextHelper |
Helper class for transforming different texts
ThemedActivity |
Activity used to change the theme of the application.
ThemeSelector |
Class used by the ThemedActivity to change the theme of the activity based
on the values passed to it.
ToolbarLceActivityView<V extends LceView,P extends LcePresenter<V>> |
Base MvpActivityView which supports Toolbar as ActionBar
together with the Loading-Content-Error pattern.
ToolbarListActivityView<V extends ListView,P extends ListPresenter<V>> |
Base MvpActivityView which supports Toolbar as ActionBar
together with the Loading-Content-Error pattern.
TransitionHelper |
Helper class for Activity Transitions
TypeFaceSpan |
Style a Spannable with a custom Typeface .
UserUploadedPhotoPagerAdapter |
Pager Adapter for User Uploaded Photo
Appends a User Uploaded photo at the front of the Carousel View
VerticalSpaceItemDecoration |
Style a RecyclerView.ItemDecoration with a custom space.
ViewUtils |
Class containing a collection of utility methods for View.
ViewUtils.ActivityExceptionCallback |
Interface for unhandled activity exceptions.
WebviewActivity |
This is used to show the contents of a Web URL
in a WebView .
WScratchView |
This view start with full gray color bitmap and onTouch to make it
WScratchView.OnScratchCallback |
YouTubeActivity |
Activity that handles the YoutubePlayerView to display.