ActionTextView |
A TextView with specified action
Currently accepts a maximum of 2 actions
BadgeView |
Class that handles the display of badges.
BaseViewPager |
CountryDialog |
CountryDialog.Country |
CountryStateSelector |
Class for initializing the country state selector.
CountryStateSelector.Country |
Country class.
CropCircleTransformation |
Class that crops bitmap into a circular shape.
DateSelector |
DateSelector is a widget for selecting a date.
DelayButton |
Button that supports multi-click and customizable theme.
DividerItemDecoration |
Class for adding a stylized divider to the RecyclerView.
EditText |
Custom EditText that has a shake animation and vibration when error text is set.
EmailEditText |
EditText widget which allows user to see list of options to choose from
EmailEditText.Accounts |
Account Types
InstagramLoginDialog |
Instagram Login Dialog for receiving an access token
KeyboardDetectEditText |
Class used for detecting user-inputted keystroke.
LinkPreviewView |
Class that contains views for displaying the contents of the Link Preview.
LinkPreviewView.LinkPreview |
LinkPreview class
LoadingList |
A RecyclerView which supports loadinglist items when
scrolling to the bottom of the list.
LoadingView |
Class used for adding custom loading animation.
ModalEditText |
Class used for displaying modal EditText.
MonthYearPicker |
MonthYearPicker is a widget for selecting the month and year.
NestedScrollView |
NestedScrollView is just like ScrollView , but it supports acting
as both a nested scrolling parent and child on both new and old versions of Android.
OptionSelector |
Class that populates a view with radio button/s (default) or a custom view (using PickerViewListener)
PagerFragment |
PagerFragment for attaching custom fragments to view pagers.
PhoneNumberFormattingTextWatcher |
A TextWatcher used for formatting the phone number.
PlaceAutoFillWidget |
PlaceAutoFillWidget contains views for displaying the
Address, City, State, Country, and ZipCode.
RatingView |
Class for displaying the Rating View.
SDKCheckedTextView |
Checked TextView with customizable check mark gravity
SDKToolbar |
Wrapper class for all the toolbars in the app.
TypeFaceSpan |
Style a Spannable with a custom Typeface .
VerticalSpaceItemDecoration |
Style a RecyclerView.ItemDecoration with a custom space.