Campaigns are the core feature of Engage+, as they are the mechanism by which you will contact and engage with your customers.
The details of how you build a Campaign vary depending on the marketing Channel that you're utilizing, but generally speaking, the process consists of first defining the creative content of your marketing message. Next, you select the audience of intended recipients. Third, you audit the Campaign to verify that the content appears as you intend. And lastly, you schedule and deploy the Campaign.
Within that basic sequence of steps, the platforms offers a wide range of features and options designed to help you create the most effective and efficient marketing Campaign possible. Some of these features are applicable to any channel, and some are specific to only certain Channels.
The Campaign screen is accessible by the following method:
From the Main menu, select Production > Campaigns.
The Campaign management features are described below:
To create a new Campaign:
Note: You can never modify the Campaign source after the Campaign is created.
Note: The Campaign Type options are not all available for every channel.
The remaining options available on this screen vary depending on the selected Channel. For more details on how to configure your Campaign, please view the channel-specific Help topic:
* Note: Web Pages are a unique feature in that they are considered by the platform to be a marketing channel; however, you don't actually create a Campaign for your web content. Instead, you create a Web Page which is published and made accessible to your customers. When you search for existing Campaigns from the Campaign screen, the platform includes Web Pages within the search results. Your existing Web Pages will appear along with all your other Campaigns, from all your other channels. ** Note: The legacy "Classic" Campaign screen for certain channels has been replaced with the current Campaign screen (previously known as the "Enhanced Workflow"). Unless you have a specific reason for needing to use the classic Campaign screen, the best practice is to use the current Campaign screen instead. The classic screen is no longer being updated, and lacks many newer features and usability enhancements.
An existing Campaign can be copied, or duplicated, to use as the basis for a new Campaign. The new Campaign will have the same source table, channel, content, etc. as the original Campaign. Note: If you're copying an existing Campaign that uses Cells & Splits, the new Campaign that you create will contain those same Cells & Splits, with the same Cell Codes as the base Campaign. If you don't modify those Cell Codes in the new Campaign, you may unintentionally reuse those Cell Codes, which may cause unexpected results to appear in your Campaign reports. In most cases, you'll want to modify the Cell Codes in the newly copied Campaign. To copy a Campaign from the Campaigns screen:
Note: The new Campaign will automatically be of the same type and channel as the base Campaign, with the same source table.
To view or edit an existing Campaign: Note: While editing a Campaign, if another user has this same Campaign open at the same time, and he or she modifies and saves the Campaign, the system will alert you with a "Changes Detected" pop-up window. This window tells you that changes have been made, and by whom. If you want to discard your local changes and reload the screen to show the other user's version of the Campaign, click reload campaign. Or, if you want to overwrite the other person's changes, click ignore changes.
Optionally, to view detailed information about the Campaign, click the small down-arrow icon beneath the Save button. The Item Details panel is displayed, showing who created the Campaign, who modified it last, and what the last actions taken on the Campaign were. The direct link URL to the Campaign is available here, which can be copied to the clipboard using the "Copy Link" icon. This can be used to easily share and also open the Campaign in a browser. The "Related Items" section lists other items in the system that are referenced in this Campaign.
* Note: Web Pages are a unique feature in that they are considered by the platform to be a marketing channel; however, you don't actually create a Campaign for your web content. Instead, you create a Web Page which is published and made accessible to your customers. When you search for existing Campaigns from the Campaign screen, the platform includes Web Pages within the search results. Your existing Web Pages will appear along with all your other Campaigns, from all your other channels. ** Note: The legacy "Classic" Campaign screen for certain channels has been replaced with the current Campaign screen (previously known as the "Enhanced Workflow"). Unless you have a specific reason for needing to use the classic Campaign screen, the best practice is to use the current Campaign screen instead. The classic screen is no longer being updated, and lacks many newer features and usability enhancements. |
When you delete a Campaign, the system moves it from its current location into the Recycling Bin, where it can optionally be restored if needed. If the selected Campaign is stored in a folder to which you don't have the proper access privileges, you won't be able to delete that Campaign. If your Campaign contains Cells, you must delete or stop each individual Cell. If you only delete the "parent" Campaign, the Cells within that Campaign will continue to launch and deploy, which may caused unintended messages to get sent. Therefore, if you want to stop the entire Campaign, including all Cells, you must first delete each Cell, then delete the parent Campaign. To delete one or more Campaigns from the Campaigns screen:
The Pick Up Changes feature allows you to make modifications to a launched Campaign. These changes will then be applied to all un-sent messages. You must suspend a Campaign before you can run Pick Up Changes. The only exception to this rule is an Event-triggered Campaign that uses Advanced Event Trigger as the Trigger Type; in that one scenario, you don't need to first suspend the Campaign before running Pick Up Changes. Note: Any messages that have already been deployed can't be retrieved. For Regular One-Off Campaigns, you can change the Campaign schedule and content. If the Campaign has not yet started queueing messages, you can also change the Campaign's Audience Filter; once the Campaign starts queueing, you can no longer change the Filter. For Event-triggered and Date-triggered Campaigns, you can change any aspect of the Campaign, except the Send Schedule and STO options in the Campaign Schedule section. The Browse Campaigns screen allows you to run Pick Up Changes for one or more Campaigns simultaneously.
Note: If you attempt to run Pick Up Changes on multiple Campaigns, and they are not all suspended, the platform will execute Pick Up Changes until it encounters an error, then stop. For example, let's say you check three Campaigns. The first Campaign is supsended, the second Campaign is still running, and the third Campaign is suspended. The platform will successfully run Pick Up Changes on the first Camapign since it's suspended. However, the platform will encounter an error on the second Campaign since it's NOT suspended, and will abort the entire process. The platform will not attempt to Pick Up Changes on the third Campaign.
To comply with recipient preference and evolving privacy regulations, you can turn off the receipient tracking option in an Email or SMS campaign, AB tests, Cells and Split campaigns, or individual cells within a Cells and Split campaign. Please ask your Marigold Representative to get this feature enabled in your Engage+. To ensure complete Data Privacy, once tracking is turned off for a designated campaign or cell, no open or click data will be collected or reported. You can turn off the tracking, only before the campign has been sent. To Turn Recipient Tracking Off in a Campaign:
When the Tracking is turned OFF, the LInk Tracking settings in the Content tab is not availble for editing. For cells and splits or AB Tests, when the tracking is switched off at the parent campaign, it is cascaded to all child cells. You cannot turn it back on once it is turned off.
From the Campaigns screen, you can change the status of one or more Campaigns simultaneously. These features are described below:
The "Pre-Launch Review" section of the Campaign screen allows you to set define which launch steps require manual review and approval before the platform can proceed to the next step. If you selected any of these options, you'll need to approve that step before the launch process can continue. The Browse Campaigns screen allows you to approve one or more Campaigns simultaneously.
The platform allows you to set optional “approval” checkpoints during the launch process. These checkpoints are displayed on the Campaign Launch screen, and are generally intended to be used during the initial launch of the Campaign, so you can review audit statistics of a launch step. When you approve that step, the platform then proceeds to the next step. After a Campaign has launched and begun deploying, you can optionally use the Sending approval checkpoint as a way of pausing message deployment. Essentially, you are “unapproving” the Sending step that you previously approved, in order to stop the Campaign from sending. When you unapprove the Sending step, the system immediately stops sending messages, but continues to queue any new triggered messages, and continues to collect activity data (opens, clicks, etc.) on any messages previously deployed. The status of the Campaign is changed to “Pending Approval.” The Sending step can later be re-approved in order to resume sending. Unapproving the Sending step is typically done when you need to make changes to an active Campaign via Pick Up Changes, you want to queue records while suspended, and you intend to later resume the Campaign. If you unapprove the Sending step in a triggered Campaign (either date- or event-triggered), the platform continues to “listen” for trigger occurrences while the Campaign is in a suspended state. Any triggers that occur while suspended will be captured, the messages will be queued, and the platform will send those messages after you re-approve the Sending step. For more details on all the available options for stopping a Campaign, please see Stop Campaign Deployment. The Browse Campaigns screen allows you to un-approve, or pause, multiple Campaigns simultaneously.
When you suspend a Campaign, the system immediately stops queueing messages, and stops sending messages. The platform will continue to collect activity data (opens, clicks, etc.) on any records deployed prior to you suspending it. If you attempt to suspend a Campaign while it's still in the message creation phase, the platform will complete message creation before suspending the Campaign. The status of the Campaign is changed to “Suspended.” This Campaign can later be resumed. Suspending a Campaign is typically done when you need to make changes to an active Campaign via Pick Up Changes, and you intend to later resume the Campaign. For more details on all the available options for stopping a Campaign, please see Stop Campaign Deployment. The Browse Campaigns screen allows you to suspend or resume multiple Campaigns simultaneously. Suspend Campaigns
Note: If you selected an Event-triggered Campaign above in step 3, the platform will suspend the Campaign without queueing new records. The option to "suspend and queue new records" is not available from the Browse Campaigns screen. If you want to suspend an Event-triggered Campaign, and have it continue to queue new triggered records while suspended, you need to access the Campaign details screen, and click Suspend Send Only. Resume Campaigns
When you stop a Campaign, the system immediately stops queueing messages, and stops sending messages. Any messages currently in the queue at the moment you click Stop are recorded, and the platform will retain history of the fact that these messages were “queued but not sent.” The platform will continue to collect activity data (opens, clicks, etc.) on any records deployed prior to you stopping it. The status of the Campaign is changed to “Done.” This action can’t be undone, and the Campaign can’t later be resumed. For more details on all the available options for stopping a Campaign, please see Stop Campaign Deployment. The Browse Campaigns screen allows you to stop multiple Campaigns simultaneously
When you cancel a Campaign, the system immediately stops queueing messages, and stops sending messages. Any messages currently in the queue at the moment you click Cancel are removed, and the platform doesn’t retain any history of the fact that these messages were “queued but not sent.” The platform will continue to collect activity data (opens, clicks, etc.) on any records deployed prior to you canceling it. The status of the Campaign is changed to “Canceled.” This action can’t be undone, and the Campaign can’t later be resumed. For more details on all the available options for stopping a Campaign, please see Stop Campaign Deployment. Note: If you delete a launched Campaign by moving it to the Recycling Bin, the system automatically changes the status for this Campaign to “Canceled.” Even if you later restore the archived Campaign from the Recycling Bin, you still can’t resume it. The Browse Campaigns screen allows you to cancel multiple Campaigns simultaneously.
Other options available from the Campaigns screen are described below:
Messaging offers the ability to tag Campaigns with custom Metadata fields and values. These Metadata fields allow you to create Filters that look for specific Metadata tags in them, or for use in reports, future Campaigns, or to personalize Campaign content. For more information on defining Metadata fields, please see Metadata Settings. To assign Metadata values to one or more Campaigns:
Messaging allows you to export a file containing the Object ID and Object Reference ID of one or more Campaigns. To create this export file: