
open class StatesCollectionController : CountriesCollectionController

A subclass of CollectionController that shows a list of states for selection in a CollectionViewController.

This CollectionController subclass displays a list of states based from the value of the country code property. The states are retrieved from the user defaults using the defaultsKey static property value. The list of countries with states retrieved from the user defaults is encoded with the following JSON format:

  "name": "<country_name>",
  "code": "<country_code>",
  "states": [
      "label": "<state_label_or_name>",
      "code": "<state_code>"

The country object contains a name with a string value of the name of the country, a code with a string value of the country code and an array of state objects.

The state object contains a label with a string value of the name/label of the state, and a code with a string value of the state code.

The default cell used is a StateCollectionViewCell. Its nameLabel is used to display the state name/label. If the state name/label is empty, the code is displayed instead.

The states displayed are sorted alphabetically by the state’s name/label. If the state’s name/label is empty, the state’s code is used instead for sorting.


Due to what maybe seems to be a bug with the Swift, methods not initially in the superclass and implemented in the subclass may not be executed. To get around this, the method needs to have an @objc attribue.
  • The country code of the country the states are located.



    open var countryCode: String
  • A convenience initializer to pass in the country code and optionally along with the collection view to associated with.



    public convenience init(countryCode: String, collectionView: UICollectionView? = nil)
  • Declaration


    override open func registerComponents()


  • Undocumented



    override open func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell


  • Undocumented



    override open func loadContent()