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UNLINK - com.cheetahdigital.giftcards.core.model.TransactionType
unlinkGiftcard(GiftcardParams, ListenerModel<BaseModel<Giftcard>, Giftcard>) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.giftcards.core.api.GiftcardsAPI
Remove a gift card from the account of the member.
unlinkGiftcard(String) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.giftcards.ui.manage.GiftcardManagePresenter
Removes a gift card from the account of the member
unlinkGiftcard(String, GiftcardParams) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.giftcards.ui.manage.GiftcardManagePresenter
Removes a gift card from the account of the member
update(List<Giftcard>) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.giftcards.ui.viewpager.GiftcardPagerAdapter
Update the list of Giftcard
updateAutoReload(String, boolean, String, String) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.giftcards.ui.auto_reload.GiftcardAutoReloadPresenter
Updates the auto-reload configuration of the gift card Remember to set the following GiftcardFields: nonce using GiftcardFields.setPaymentMethodNonce(String) auto-reload using GiftcardFields.setIsAutoReload(Boolean) threshold amount using GiftcardFields.setReloadThreshold(String) reload amount using GiftcardFields.setReloadAmount(String)
updateAutoReload(String, boolean, String, String, GiftcardFields, GiftcardParams) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.giftcards.ui.auto_reload.GiftcardAutoReloadPresenter
Updates the auto-reload configuration of the gift card Remember to set the following GiftcardFields: nonce using GiftcardFields.setPaymentMethodNonce(String) auto-reload using GiftcardFields.setIsAutoReload(Boolean) threshold amount using GiftcardFields.setReloadThreshold(String) reload amount using GiftcardFields.setReloadAmount(String)
updateGiftcard(GiftcardParams, GiftcardFields, ListenerModel<BaseModel<Giftcard>, Giftcard>) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.giftcards.core.api.GiftcardsAPI
Update details of a specific giftcard.
updateViews(Giftcard, Date) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.giftcards.ui.viewpager.GiftcardFragment
Updates the views of GiftcardFragment
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