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onCameraPermissionDenied() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CodeScannerActivity
onCameraPermissionGranted() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CodeScannerActivity
onCodeScanFailed(String) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CodeScannerPresenter
Called after a failed code scan
onCodeScannedFailure(String) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CodeScannerActivity
onCodeScannedFailure(String) - Method in interface com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CodeScannerView
This notifies the view when call to the code scan API failed
onCodeScannedSuccessfully(BaseModel<CodeData>) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CodeScannerActivity
onCodeScannedSuccessfully(BaseModel<CodeData>) - Method in interface com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CodeScannerView
This notifies the view when call to the code scan API is successful
onCodeScanSuccess(BaseModel<CodeData>) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CodeScannerPresenter
Called after a successful code scan
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CodeScannerActivity
onDestroy() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CodeScannerActivity
onKeyDown(int, KeyEvent) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CodeScannerActivity
onPause() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CodeScannerActivity
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CodeScannerActivity
onScanComplete(String, String) - Method in interface com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CaptureManager.OnScanListener
Handles scan completion
onScanComplete(String, String) - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CodeScannerActivity
onStart() - Method in class com.cheetahdigital.codes.ui.CodeScannerActivity
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