All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description Attachment Cheetah Loyalty Messages - Attachment Data ModelAttachmentTypes Cheetah Loyalty Attachment Types EnumMessage Cheetah Loyalty Message Data ModelMessages Cheetah Loyalty Messages Data ModelMessagesActivity The Activity class for showing the list ofMessage
Can receive the following intent extras: OPEN_URL_DETAIL - the flagOffer
type URLs,true
will open the detail screen, otherwise an external browser * will be openedMessagesAdapter List Adapter forMessage
MessagesAPI Cheetah Loyalty Messages Module AMessage
represents one Push Message/Notification.MessagesClickListener Interface to be implemented in order to handle the actions on each list itemMessagesFragment<A extends MessagesAdapter,V extends MessagesView,P extends MessagesPresenter<V>> The fragment class for showing the list ofMessage
Can receive the following intent extras: {#OPEN_OFFER_URL_IN_DETAIL} - the flagOffer
type URLs,true
will open the detail screen, otherwise an external browser will be openedIntentKey.PRIMARY_PARAMS
to use for api callMessagesParams Class for setting the query parameters of Connection API.MessagesParams.Builder MessagesPresenter<T extends MessagesView> The MVP Presenter Class forMessagesAPI
MessagesView Extends theEndlessListView
This notifies the activity or fragment of the results of the API once the view is called by the PresenterMessagesViewHolder The View Holder for the list of Messages Contains all the views to be displayed on each list item