All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Class Description BigPictureAsyncTask Async class to get the bitmap from image urlBigPictureAsyncTask.AsyncResponse Interface to be implemented to handle finished background processEmsOpenHandler Class that handles the actions of Ems openEmsOpenHandlerListener Interface to be implemented in order to handle the actions of a notification with ems_open payloadEmsOpenInterface Service interface for EMS openFCMListenerService Service for communicating with Google Cloud Messaging.FCMPreferences Class that holds the string of the Shared preferences for GCMFCMUtils Utility class for Firebase Messaging / Push NotificationNotification Model used to store notification details received via pushNotificationIntent Launches an activity (from a notification) and at the same time decrements the notification count stored in the MessagesFragment.UNREAD_MESSAGES_COUNT_KEY preference.NotificationReceiver Broadcast receiver for notifications actions.RichNotification Model used to store rich push notification details received via push