All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary
Class |
Description |
AlertChallengeDialog |
The alert dialog shown when displaying an alert challenge.
AlertChallengeFragment |
Headless fragment to handle the check for alert challenges.
AlertChallengePresenter<V extends AlertChallengeView> |
AlertChallengeView |
Answer |
Cheetah Loyalty Answer Data Model
BaseAttributeViewHolder<T> |
BaseChoiceAdapter |
BaseDomainAdapter |
BooleanViewHolder |
CaptionPhotoActivity |
Class that handles caption photo challenges
CaptionPhotoPresenter<V extends CaptionPhotoView> |
CaptionPhotoResponseSetting |
Caption Photo Response Setting
CaptionPhotoView |
This view must be implemented to notify the Activity or Fragment
of the API call returns
Challenge |
Cheetah Loyalty Challenge Data Model
ChallengeApiConstants |
Challenge API Constants
ChallengeClickListener |
Challenge click listener for Challenge items.
ChallengeDetailsActivity<V extends ChallengeDetailsView,P extends ChallengeDetailsPresenter<V>> |
The detail screen for ChallengesListFragment
Can receive the following intent extras:
CHALLENGE_ID_KEY - the Challenge id to load
CHALLENGE_INTERNAL_NAME_KEY - the Challenge internal name
CHALLENGE_KEY - the Challenge in json format
CHALLENGE_HIDE_ZERO_METRICS - the flag for showing/hiding zero metrics
ChallengeDetailsPresenter<T extends ChallengeDetailsView> |
ChallengeDetailsView |
This view must be implemented to notify the Activity or Fragment
of the API call returns
ChallengeFields |
Class for setting the field parameters of Challenges API
ChallengeFields.Builder |
ChallengeHeaders |
Class for setting the headers of Challenges API
All Nullable parameters means you can remove the parameter by passing a null value.
ChallengeHeaders.Builder |
ChallengeNotificationJobService |
Service for handling ChallengesAPI calls when clicking action buttons.
ChallengeParams |
Class for setting the query parameters of Challenges API
All Nullable parameters means you can remove the parameter by passing a null value.
ChallengeParams.Builder |
ChallengeParts |
Class for setting the parts parameters of Challenges API
All Nullable parameters means you can remove the parameter by passing a null value.
ChallengeParts.Builder |
ChallengeResponse |
Cheetah Loyalty ChallengeResponse Data Model
ChallengeResponseBaseActivity |
Base activity for all challenge activity that supports alert dialog flow
ChallengeResponseDetailsActivity<V extends ChallengeResponseDetailsView,P extends ChallengeResponseDetailsPresenter<V>> |
The detail screen for ChallengeResponsesListFragment
Can receive the following intent extras:
RESPONSE_ID_KEY - the challenge response id
CHALLENGE_HIDE_ZERO_METRICS - the flag for showing/hiding zero metrics
TransitionHelper.SHARED_ELEMENT_IMAGE - shared image view
ChallengeResponseDetailsPresenter<T extends ChallengeResponseDetailsView> |
ChallengeResponseDetailsView |
This view must be implemented to notify the Activity or Fragment
of the API call returns
ChallengeResponseFragment<V extends ChallengeResponseView,P extends ChallengeResponsePresenter<V>> |
The response screen for Challenge
Can receive the following intent extras:
CHALLENGE_ID_KEY -the Challenge id
RESPONSE_ID_KEY - the ChallengeResponse id
CHALLENGE_KEY - the Challenge in json format
CHALLENGE_ENABLE_RATING - the flag for enabling rating
CHALLENGE_FROM_DIALOG - the flag for showing submit button
ChallengeResponsePresenter<T extends ChallengeResponseView> |
Presenter used by different Challenge response activities
ChallengeResponses |
Cheetah Loyalty Challenge Responses Data Model
ChallengeResponsesAdapter |
ChallengeResponsesClickListener |
ChallengeResponsesListFragment<A extends ChallengeResponsesAdapter,V extends ChallengeResponsesListView,P extends ChallengeResponsesListPresenter<V>> |
Class that handles list of ChallengeResponse
Can receive the following intent extras:
RESPONSE_PARAMETERS - instance of ChallengeParams used to populate the Challenges API calls
ChallengeResponsesListPresenter<T extends ChallengeResponsesListView> |
ChallengeResponsesListView |
This view must be implemented to notify the Activity or Fragment
of the API call returns
ChallengeResponsesViewHolder |
ChallengeResponseView |
Base view class for challenge response.
Challenges |
Cheetah Loyalty Challenges Data Model
ChallengesAdapter |
ChallengesAPI |
Class for setting the query parameters of Challenges API.
ChallengesListFragment<A extends ChallengesAdapter,V extends ChallengesListView,P extends ChallengesListPresenter<V>> |
Class that handles displaying of list of Challenge
Can receive the following intent extras:
CHALLENGE_PARAMETERS - instance of ChallengeParams used to populate the Challenges API calls
ChallengesListPresenter<T extends ChallengesListView> |
ChallengesListView |
This view must be implemented to notify the Activity or Fragment
of the API call returns
ChallengesViewHolder |
ChallengeUtil |
Helper class for filtering challenges
CheckInActivity |
CheckInFragment<V extends CheckInView,P extends CheckInPresenter<V>> |
Class that gets the current location of the user and use received coordinates for checkin challenge
CheckInPresenter<T extends CheckInView> |
CheckInView |
This view must be implemented to notify the Activity or Fragment
of the API call returns
ChoiceViewHolder |
Comment |
Cheetah Loyalty Comment Data Model
CommentsAdapter |
Adapter for displaying list of Comment
CommentViewHolder |
DateViewHolder |
Definition |
Cheetah Loyalty Definition Data Model
DomainFragment |
DomainViewHolder |
EmailViewHolder |
FontSizePickerDialogFragment |
Class for showing number picker intended for selecting desired Font Size
Can receive the following intent extras:
ARGS_FONT_SIZE - initial font size
FontSizePickerDialogFragment.OnFontSizeChangeListener |
Interface used to handle font size change
GameActivity |
Class that handles Game response
GameBaseFragment<V extends GameView,P extends GamePresenter<V>> |
The base response fragment for Game Challenges
GamePresenter<T extends GameView> |
Base presenter for Games
GameResponseSetting |
Cheetah Loyalty Game Response Setting Data Model
GameView |
Base view class for game challenge response.
GenderViewHolder |
HtmlGame |
Cheetah Loyalty HTML Game Data Model
HtmlGameFragment<V extends HtmlGameView,P extends HtmlGamePresenter<V>> |
Class that handles the html / javascript challenge
HtmlGamePresenter<T extends HtmlGameView> |
HtmlGameResponseSetting |
Cheetah Loyalty HTML Game Response Setting Data Model
HtmlGameView |
This view must be implemented to notify the Activity or Fragment
of the API call returns
JSStaticFile |
Cheetah Loyalty Static File Data Model
MarginDecoration |
The RecyclerView.ItemDecoration class for adding spaces between grid items
MultiChoiceAdapter |
MultiChoiceQuestionFragment |
MultipleDomainAdapter |
MultiQuestionActivity |
MultiQuestionAdapter |
MultiQuestionFragment<V extends MultiQuestionView,P extends MultiQuestionPresenter<V>> |
MultiQuestionPresenter<T extends MultiQuestionView> |
Presenter used by different Challenge response activities
MultiQuestionResponseSetting |
Cheetah Loyalty Multi Question Response Setting Data Model
MultiQuestionView |
This view must be implemented to notify the Activity or Fragment
of the API call returns
NumberViewHolder |
NumericQuestionFragment |
The class for the numeric quiz type in view content challenges
OnPreferenceClickListener |
Option |
Cheetah Loyalty Option Data Model
OtherViewHolder |
OverImageFragment<V extends CaptionPhotoView,P extends CaptionPhotoPresenter<V>> |
Class used for submitting images with caption for Meme Challenge
PhoneViewHolder |
PhotoActivity |
PhotoFragment<V extends PhotoView,P extends PhotoPresenter<V>> |
PhotoPresenter<T extends PhotoView> |
PhotoView |
This view must be implemented to notify the Activity or Fragment
of the API call returns
PollResult |
Cheetah Loyalty Poll Result Data Model
Preference |
Preference Attribute Data Model
PreferenceDetailActivity |
PreferenceDomain |
Cheetah Loyalty Preference Domain Data Model
PreferenceDomainItem |
Cheetah Loyalty Preference Domain Data Model
PreferencesAdapter |
PreferenceViewHolder |
Prize |
Cheetah Loyalty Prize Data Model
PrizesAdapter |
PrizeViewHolder |
ProfileAttribute |
Cheetah Loyalty Challenge Profile Attribute Data Model
ProfileAttributeDomain |
ProfileAttrsAdapter |
QuestionFragment |
RatingQuestionFragment |
ReferralChallengeListener |
Listener that handles sharing of referral code to valid apps
RespondableInfo |
Cheetah Loyalty Respondable Info Data Model
Response |
Cheetah Loyalty Response Data Model
Result |
Cheetah Loyalty Result Data Model
ScratcherFragment<V extends ScratcherView,P extends ScratcherPresenter<V>> |
Class that handles the Scratcher challenge
ScratcherPresenter<T extends ScratcherView> |
ScratcherView |
This view must be implemented to notify the Activity or Fragment
of the API call returns
SecondaryRewardUtil |
Helper class to show the definite message when there is a secondary reward.
SeparateCaptionFragment<V extends CaptionPhotoView,P extends CaptionPhotoPresenter<V>> |
Class used for submitting images with caption for Meme Challenge
SingleChoiceAdapter |
SingleDomainAdapter |
SocialMediaResponseSetting |
Cheetah Loyalty Social Media Response Setting Data Model
SurveyResponseSetting |
Cheetah Loyalty Survey Response Setting Data Model
TextQuestionFragment |
TextViewHolder |
UpdateAttributeFragment<V extends UpdateAttributeView,P extends UpdateAttributePresenter<V>> |
The response screen for update attribute type Challenge
UpdateAttributePresenter<T extends UpdateAttributeView> |
UpdateAttributeView |
This view must be implemented to notify the Activity or Fragment
of the API call returns
UpdateAvatarActivity |
UpdateAvatarFragment |
The response screen for update avatar type Challenge
UpdatePreferencesFragment<V extends UpdatePreferencesView,P extends UpdatePreferencesPresenter<V>> |
The response screen for update preference type Challenge
UpdatePreferencesPresenter<T extends UpdatePreferencesView> |
UpdatePreferencesView |
This view must be implemented to notify the Activity or Fragment
of the API call returns
UpdatePrefsResponseSetting |
Update Profile Challenge Response Setting
UpdateProfileActivity |
Class that handles Update Profile response
UpdateProfileAttrResponseSetting |
Update Profile Challenge Response Setting
VideoActivity |
Class that handles Video response
VideoFragment<V extends VideoView,P extends VideoPresenter<V>> |
VideoPresenter<T extends VideoView> |
VideoView |
ViewContentActivity |
ViewContentBaseFragment<V extends ViewContentView,P extends ViewContentPresenter<V>> |
THe base response fragment for View Content Challenges
ViewContentPresenter<T extends ViewContentView> |
ViewContentResponseSetting |
Cheetah Loyalty View Content Response Data Model
ViewContentView |
This view must be implemented to notify the Activity or Fragment
of the API call returns.
ViewPhotoFragment |
ViewUrlFragment |
ViewYoutubeFragment |
The response screen for View Youtube Challenge
Can receive the following intent extras:
CHALLENGE_YOUTUBE_FULLSCREEN - the flag for requesting YouTube orientation to landscape
WebAppInterface |
Collection of methods to communicate between Javascript games and Android code.