Advanced Field Options

When building a Data Map, the system provides a set of optional, advanced features that control how this data in this field is handled when imported into the system.

Data Type Options

Depending on the Data Type of the selected field, you may see one of the following options:

Form Field Name

The "Form Field Name" is intended for use with Web Forms. When a consumer fills out and submits a Web Form, the Form sends that data to Messaging by means of an API request message. If you want to use a different name for a field within the API message, you must enter that name in the "Form Field Name," so that the platform knows where to store that data within the database.

 For example, let's say you have a field in your database named "home_email," but when you collect the email address value on the Web Form, the API message uses the name "email_addr." You would need to instruct the system to look for the name "email_addr" within the Form submission, and translate that to the "home_email" column in the database.


Optionally, select one of the following special processes from the "Processing" drop-down menu:

Entity Table Options

Optionally, select one or more of the following entity table options:

Note: These options are not available for a Load and Send Data Map.