Google Audiences


The Google Audiences screen is used within the Ad Audience Campaign channel, when sending custom audiences to Google. Before you can set up the Ad Audience Campaign, you must first use the Google Audiences screen to register one or more Google Ad Accounts within Engage+.

Note: Google imposes a maximum limit of twenty-five ad accounts for their ad platform.  

For more details on Ad Audience Campaigns, please see Configure an Ad Audience Campaign.


The Google Audiences screen is accessible by the following method:


 Register Google Ad Account

Click hereClick here

Note: Before proceeding with these steps, ensure that you are already logged out of Google. You may have to navigate to and log out of your user session.

To register a Google Ad Account within Engage+:

  1. Click sign in with google. A Google login prompt is displayed within a pop-up window.

  2. Enter the credentials of a user who has access to the desired Google Ad Account.

  3. Click log in.

  4. A Google prompt is displayed, asking you to confirm that the Cheetah Messaging application has permission to manage aspects of this user. Click allow.

  5. Once the authentication is complete, the Google Ad Accounts pop-up window is displayed and populated with all Google Ad Accounts to which this user has access. Check the desired Ad Accounts that you want to register within Messaging. Click ok.

  6. A success message is displayed. Click ok.  

  7. The selected Ad Account (or Accounts) is displayed on the Google Audiences screen.