Split Cells

Split a Campaign

In a normal Campaign (without Cells and Splits), the Campaign screen presents the user with four chevrons across the top of the screen that represent the four key steps in a Campaign -- "Setup," "Content," "Review," and "Status."

When you add Cells and Splits to the Campaign, the Campaign screen presents the user with three additional steps, representing the Cells and Splits workflow -- "Setup Cell Tree," "Setup Testing Elements," and "Setup and Launch Campaign."

To split your Campaign into multiple cells:

  1. In the Tool Bar on the Campaign screen, click Actions > Cells & Splits. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click yes. The "1. Setup Cell Tree" screen is displayed.

  2. The "This Cell's Code" field is automatically populated with a default cell code consisting of "CELL_" followed by the Object Reference ID for this Campaign. For example: "CELL_15691." Optionally, enter a custom cell code in this field.

Note: If you created this Campaign by copying an existing Campaign, please note that the new Campaign will contain the same Cells & Splits, with the same Cell Codes as the base Campaign. If you don't modify those Cell Codes in the new Campaign, you may unintentionally reuse those Cell Codes, which may cause unexpected results to appear within Campaign analytics. In most cases, you'll want to modify the Cell Codes in the newly copied Campaign.

  1. Click split into testing cells.

  2. Select the "Split" radio button.

Optionally, if you need to remove the cells and splits from a Campaign, click Actions > Undo Cells & Splits. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click yes.

The platform allows you to define your Split Cells through the user interface, or via a spreadsheet that you import into the platform. See "Import Cells" below for more details on the import method.

The Marigold Help Center provides access to a wide range of enablement videos on many Marigold solutions that you can take as needed. Click here to browse to the video on how to use Split Cells.  

Split Methods

The next step in the process is to determine the method used to split your Campaign Audience, and to create the desired hierarchy of parent cells and sub-cells.

  1. From the "Split by" drop-down menu, select the split method you want to use:

Split by PercentagesSplit by Percentages

Splitting by percentage allows you to assign a specific percentage of the parent Audience to each sub-cell.

      1. From the "Split by" drop-down menu, select "Percentages."  

      2. The "Order By" drop-down menu allows you to determine how you want to order the recipients within the Campaign Audience. From this menu, select either "Random," or select a specific field on the Campaign's source table. If you select a field by which to sort, select a sort order -- either "Ascending" or "Descending."

Note: Sorting by a specific field isn't available for Campaigns that use EDP as the data source.

      1. In the "Add Cell" text field, enter the desired number of sub-cells you want to create, then click the add button (plus-sign icon). The system adds the indicated number of sub-cells.

      2. The new cells are given a default cell code consisting of the parent cell code (defined above), and appended with "CELL_" and a counter. For example" Parent_CELL_1." Optionally, enter a custom cell code in the "Cell Code" field.

      3. In the "Percentage" field next to the sub-cell, enter the desired percentage value.

      4. If you need to remove a cell, click the remove button ("X" icon) within the cell list.

      5. If your sub-cells don't add up to the entire Campaign Audience, you can optionally use a "Remainder" cell that automatically targets everyone who wasn’t included in any of the sub-cells. To create a "Remainder" cell, place a check mark in the check box labeled "Hold out a Remainder cell to send the winning version separately?" The system adds the remainder cell to the bottom of the cell list. The remainder cell is given a default cell code consisting of the parent cell code (defined above), and appended with "CELL_REMAINDER. " For example, "Parent_CELL_REMAINDER." Optionally, enter a custom cell code in the "Cell Code" field.


Split by AmountsSplit by Amounts

Splitting by amount allows you to assign a specific record quantity to each sub-cell.

      1. From the "Split by" drop-down menu, select "Amounts."  

      2. The "Order By" drop-down menu allows you to determine how you want to order the recipients within the Campaign Audience. From this menu, select either "Random," or select a specific field on the Campaign's source table. If you select a field by which to sort, select a sort order -- either "Ascending" or "Descending."

Note: Sorting by a specific field isn't available for Campaigns that use EDP as the data source.

      1. In the "Add Cell" text field, enter the desired number of sub-cells you want to create, then click the add button (plus-sign icon). The system adds the indicated number of sub-cells.  

      2. The new cells are given a default cell code consisting of the parent cell code (defined above), and appended with "CELL_" and a counter. For example  "Parent _CELL_1." Optionally, enter a custom cell code in the "Cell Code" field.

      3. In the "Amount" field next to the sub-cell, enter the desired size of the sub-cell.

      4. If you need to remove a cell, click the remove button ("X" icon) within the cell list.

      5. If your sub-cells don't add up to the entire Campaign Audience, you can optionally use a "Remainder" cell that automatically targets everyone who wasn’t included in any of the sub-cells. To create a "Remainder" cell, place a check mark in the check box labeled "Hold out a Remainder cell to send the winning version separately?" The system adds the remainder cell to the bottom of the cell list. The remainder cell is given a default cell code consisting of the parent cell code (defined above), and appended with "CELL_REMAINDER. " For example, "Parent_CELL_REMAINDER." Optionally, enter a custom cell code in the "Cell Code" field.


Split by Field ValuesSplit by Field Values

Splitting by Field Values is a bit different than the other split methods, because the system generates all of the sub-cells for you, rather than you having to create them. When you split by Field Values, you select a field on the Campaign source table, and the system automatically generates a sub-cell for every discrete value in that field.

Note: This feature isn't available for Campaigns that use EDP as the data source.

      1. From the "Split by" drop-down menu, select "Field Values." Please note that if you switch to splitting by "Field Values" from any other split method, and you previously defined sub-cells, the system displays a warning that your existing cell list will be deleted and replaced with the system-generated cell list; click ok to confirm.

      2. The "Order By" drop-down menu allows you to determine how you want to order the recipients within the Campaign Audience. From this menu, select either "Random," or select a specific field on the Campaign's source table. If you select a field by which to sort, select a sort order -- either "Ascending" or "Descending."

      3. From the "Add by Field" drop-down menu, select the field that you want to use to create the split, then click the add button (plus-sign icon).

      4. If the selected field contains more than 25 unique values, a warning is displayed, alerting you to the number of cells that will be added to the Campaign, and asking for confirmation. This feature is intended to prevent accidentally adding a large number of cells to the Campaign. Click ok to confirm, or cancel to cancel. Records that don't have a value in this field will not be included. If no records in the entire table have any values in this field, an error message is displayed.

      5. The system builds and populates the cell list, with a sub-cell created for each unique value within the selected field. The default cell code for each sub-cell is the parent cell code, followed by the value. For example: "Parent_Gold." Optionally, enter a custom cell code in the "Cell Code" field.

      6. Optionally, if you need to remove a cell, click the remove button ("X" icon) within the cell list.

Note: The "Field Values" split method allows you to select only one field by which to split, within the same parent cell. If you want to select a different field by which to create the split, the system displays a warning message that your existing cell list will be deleted and replaced; click ok to confirm.

      1. If your sub-cells don't add up to the entire Campaign Audience, you can optionally use a "Remainder" cell that automatically targets everyone who wasn’t included in any of the sub-cells. To create a "Remainder" cell, place a check mark in the check box labeled "Hold out a Remainder cell to send the winning version separately?" The system adds the remainder cell to the bottom of the cell list. The remainder cell is given a default cell code consisting of the parent cell code (defined above), and appended with "CELL_REMAINDER. " For example, "Parent_CELL_REMAINDER." Optionally, enter a custom cell code in the "Cell Code" field.


Split by FilterSplit by Filter

Splitting by Filter allows you to use a Filter to define the Audience for each sub-cell. Filters execute from the top-level of the cell hierarchy downward. This means that the selected Filter for a sub-cell will only query records that were selected by the parent Campaign Filter.


Note: You can't use different split methods within the same parent cell.

  1. The "Channel" column allows you to identify a marketing Channel that will be used for each sub-cell, or to select "Control" to designate a sub-cell as a Control Cell. From the drop-down menu in this column, selected the desired Channel for each sub-cell, or select "Control." If you select "Control" for a sub-cell, a confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok to confirm. Please note that once you make this Channel selection and save the Campaign, you can't later change the Channel for a sub-cell.

Note: Currently, the only channel option supported is "Email."

  1. Optionally, if you want to rearrange the sub-cells, click on the gray box to the left of the sub-cell row, and drag-and-drop the sub-cell into its desired new position.

  2. In the Tool Bar, click save.

The platform allows you to further divide the sub-cells you just created into more sub-cells. To split one of your sub-cells into more sub-cells:

  1. Along the left-hand side of the Campaign screen, the system displays your entire cell hierarchy as a "tree." Click the parent cell to expand it, and to view the list of sub-cells that you just defined.

  2. Within the Cell Tree, click on the desired sub-cell. The system displays the "1. Setup Cell Tree" screen with this sub-cell now listed as the "parent" cell. From this point, simply repeat the above steps to define the sub-cells for the currently selected cell.

  3. In the Tool Bar, click save.

Cell Tree Features

The Cell Tree is an important tool to help you keep track of WHAT you're editing. Within the Cell Tree, the currently selected cell is always highlighted in bold. In addition to serving as a navigation tool, the Cell Tree also provides quick access to the following features:

Variable Conditions

The next step is to select what Campaign element or elements are going to be different between each of the sub-cells.

  1. Beneath the cell list, from the "Elements to split" drop-down menu, select one of the following options:

General Settings

Email Components

Response Options

Sending Options

  • Content / Links

  • Seed List

  • Deduping

  • Exclusion List

  • Metadata

  • Special Processing Steps

  • From Name and Sender Profile

  • To Name

  • Subject Line

  • Reply Handlers

  • Email Headers

  • Preheaders

  • PURL

  • Send Schedule

  • Messages Per Hour

  1. In the Tool Bar, click save.

Populate Sub-Cells

After you've defined all of the options as described above, the final step is to actually populate the different Campaign variants in each of the different sub-cells.

Sub-cells automatically inherit the characteristics of their parent cell, except for the particular element, or elements, that you're changing. For example, let's say you chose to modify the "Subject line." You would enter unique Subject Lines into each sub-cell. These sub-cells would inherit all of the other Campaign elements (From Name, From Address, content, etc.) from the parent cell.

The system supports two different methods of populating the sub-cells in your Campaign. Depending on the complexity of your cell hierarchy, and the number of elements being tested, you may find one method works better than the other. The first method is to select the Campaign element being tested, and to define that element in every sub-cell.  Then you would select a different Campaign element, and repeat that process.

The other method is to focus on a single sub-cell, and to populate all the different variable elements in that sub-cell. Then, you would move on to the next sub-cell and repeat that process.

Both of these methods are described below.

Define a Single Element Across All Sub-Cells

This method allows you to edit multiple sub-cells from the same screen, by first selecting the Campaign element that you want to test.

  1. At the top of the screen, click "2. Setup Testing Elements." This screen allows you to set up the different variants for each sub-cell.

  2. From the "Elements to Test" drop-down menu, select the element that you want to set up (or use the up-arrow and down-arrow buttons to navigate within this menu). This menu contains all of the Campaign elements that you selected on the previous screen. For example, if you selected "Subject Line" and "Seed List" as the elements that you want to test, then you'll see both those items listed in this drop-down menu.

  3. For a sub-cell, select or enter the desired option. If a test element wasn't selected for a particular sub-cell, the message "Inherited from parent" is displayed next to that sub-cell. The different options for the different Campaign elements are as follows:

    • Content / Links: The system displays a thumbnail preview of the content (when available). Optionally click preview to see a larger preview version of the content. Optionally click edit to edit the content within the Advanced Editor, then click "2. Setup Testing Elements" to return to this screen. Optionally select the desired character encoding method from the "Message Encoding" drop-down menu.

    • Seed List: To select a Seed List, click add seed list, and browse to and select the desired Seed List. To use a Filter as the Seed List, click add filter as seed list, and browse to and select the desired Filter. To remove a Seed List, click the "X" icon next to the Seed List name. Please note that a sub-cell can have only one Seed List selected.

    • Deduping: Select your deduping logic, including a field by which to dedupe, a Filter, and / or a sort method and sort direction.

    • Exclusion List: To select an Exclusion List, click add exclusion list, and browse to and select the desired Exclusion List. Repeat this step as needed to add additional Exclusion Lists to a sub-cell.

    • Metadata: If you selected Metadata as an element to test, every Metadata field in your account will be displayed within the "Elements to Test" drop-down menu. Select the desired Metadata field. For string fields, enter the desired value (including optionally dragging in personalization fields from the Personalization Pane). For date fields, select the desired date from the calendar pop-up. For pre-defined fields, select the desired value from the drop-down menu. For integer fields, enter the desired number.

    • Special Processing Steps: From the "Add Special Processing Steps" drop-down menu, select the desired stored procedure, then click the add button (plus-sign icon). The drop-down menu contains every custom stored procedure that has been configured for your account. Repeat this step as needed to add multiple stored procedures.

    • From Name and Sender Profile: From the "Sender Profile" drop-down menu, select the desired Sender Profile. Optionally, from the "From Address" drop-down menu, select a From Address. Optionally, in the "From Name" field, enter the desired value (including optionally dragging in personalization fields from the Personalization Pane).

    • To Name: Enter the desired "To Name" value (including optionally dragging in personalization fields from the Personalization Pane).

    • Subject Line: Enter the desired Subject Line value (including optionally dragging in personalization fields from the Personalization Pane).

      You can also utilize our powerful Marigold AI Assist to help craft attractive subject lines for all the cells instantly. 

      Use AI AssistUse AI Assist 

      To use the AI assist to write your subject line. 

      1. Click AI Assist.

      2. In the displayed AI Assist pop-up window, you need to write a good quality prompt to specifically tell the AI what to do. For example, "Write 5 subject lines for a flash sale campaign".

      1. Click the Generate button.

      2. If you are happy with the result, click the Apply button.

      3. If you want the AI to rewrite the content, click into the box with the prompt “What would you like to write about?”

      4. A selection of presets will appear. You can choose one, or type something original in. If you already have the Subject Line or Preheader, you will be provided with the option to generate the other to compliment the existing text. 

      5. Click the Generate button to rewrite. If you are happy with the result, click the Apply button. The results will be applied to all the cells. 

      For more detailed information and power-tip for marketer efficiency, refer Using the Marigold AI Content Assistant with Best Practices for AI-Assisted Copywriting.


    • Reply Handlers: Optionally select a Forwarding Handler from the "Select a Forward Profile" drop-down menu. Optionally, select an Auto-Reply Handler from the "Select a Reply Profile" drop-down menu.

    • Email Headers: Optionally, enter one or more Blind Carbon Copy email addresses and / or a Reply To email address.

    • Preheader: Optionally, enter the email preheader of the campaign cell, the invisible text that is added to the top of an email’s HTML to become the preview, instead of the first email text. To find and use the best combination of Preheader and Subject Line, you can now select them both as shown below, and use Projected Open Rate as the winner criteria to find the combination that received the highest open rate without noise from Apple MPP.

      Note: Because the preheader is automatically inserted directly after the opening body tag, if your HTML email is missing the body tag, the preheader will not appear.

      You can also utilize our powerful Marigold AI Assist to help craft the preheaders for all the cells instantly.  Follow the same instructions above as in the subject line.  

    • PURL: To search for an existing PURL Domain, begin typing the PURL Domain name, then select the desired PURL Domain from the drop-down menu., Or, click the browse button (magnifying glass icon) to browse to and select the desired PURL Domain. From the drop-down menu, select either "Prefix" or "Suffix."

    • Send Schedule: Define the Message Deployment Schedule and / or the Send Time Optimization (STO) options for each sub-cell.  

    • Messages Per Hour: Define the flow rate for a sub-cell by indicating the number of messages (in an increment of 500) to be sent per hour.

  1. The Campaign screen supports an optional "push" feature, that allows you copy test values from a parent cell down into all of its sub-cells. First enter or select the desired test value in the parent cell, then click the "Copy" icon. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok.

  2. Repeat steps 2 through 4 as needed for any additional Campaign elements that you need to define.

  3. In the Tool Bar, click save.

Note: For sub-cells that you designated as Control cells, you won't be able to edit anything, as the Control group doesn't actually receive any Campaign messages.

Define All Elements Within a Single Sub-Cell

This method allows you to define all the variable elements within a specified sub-cell.

  1. At the top of the screen, click "3. Setup and Launch Campaign."

  2. This screen displays the Cell Tree within a pane on the left-hand side of the screen. If you want more horizontal screen space, you can optionally "dock" the Cell Tree at the top of the screen. Within the Cell Tree pane, click the "dock" icon. The system moves the Cell Tree to a drop-down menu at the top of the screen. Conversely, to move the Cell Tree back to the left-hand pane, click the "undock" icon.

  3. Select the desired sub-cell, either from the Cell Tree pane, or from the Cell Tree drop-down menu (if you docked the Cell Tree). The system displays a "stripped down" version of the regular Campaign screen, displaying only those Campaign elements that you defined as being variable for the selected sub-cell. The different options for the different Campaign elements are as follows:

  1. Repeat step 3 as needed for any additional sub-cells that you need to populate.

  2. In the Tool Bar, click save.

After you've defined all of the cells and sub-cells using either of the above methods, click "3. Setup and Launch Campaign" to proceed to the regular Campaign life cycle of Proofing, Auditing, and Launching. You can send proofs from within a sub-cell (which sends proofs for only that sub-cell), or from the top-level Campaign (which sends proofs to all sub-cells). Auditing and Launching, however, must occur from the top-level Campaign, and not from a cell.  

Import Cells

If you have a complex cell hierarchy for your Campaign, it can be easier to import all of the cell information from a spreadsheet, rather than typing it into the user interface. The spreadsheet can be used to define everything about the Split Cell Campaign -- the child cell / parent cell hierarchy, cell names, split types and amounts, and the elements that you want to vary between cells. The file can be in Excel or text (.txt, .csv, etc.) format.

Note: If you have existing cells defined in your Campaign, and you perform an import, the existing cells will be overwritten by the spreadsheet being uploaded.

Your import spreadsheet must be organized in a specific way for the system to successfully create your cell hierarchy. Click below for more details on the import spreadsheet.

Import File ContentsImport File Contents

The following table describes the expected layout of the Split Cells import file. Columns A through J are used to define the cell hierarchy and split methods. These columns are all required.

Columns K and onward are used to define the variable test condition(s). These columns are all required, even for elements that you're not testing (simply leave those columns blank, except for the header row).

If you enter a value for one cell in a column, but leave that column blank for other cells in the same branch, that element will be selected as an element to test, but the cells with no value will be blank. For example, let's say you have three child cells: A, B and C. You provide a subject line in the "subject" column for child cells B and C, but leave the "subject" column blank for child cell A. The platform will define "subject line" as a testing element for all three cells, but child cell A will have a blank subject line upon import.

Column AA is for the preheader and column AB to switch off automatic padding after the preheader, followed by the columns for Metadata. 







The unique name or code of the cell.

This column is required.



The cell code of the parent cell.

This column is required.



If splitting by amount, the record quantity for this cell.

This column is required.



If splitting by percentage, the percentage for this cell.

This column is required.



If splitting by field value, the name of the desired field.

This column is required.



If splitting by Filter, the Object Reference ID for the desired Filter. he Object Reference ID can be found on the Filter screen, by selecting the "Filter" tab.

This column is required.



The Campaign Channel for this cell.

This column is required.



If this cell is to be the Control cell, this value must be "TRUE."

This column is required.



If this cell is to the Remainder, this value must be "TRUE."

This column is required.



The split method being used; possible values are:

  • amount

  • percentage

  • field

  • filter

This column is required.



If defining "Subject Line" as a variable condition for a cell, enter the Subject Line value. You can also include Merge Symbols if using personalization.

Any existing subject line values in the Campaign will be overwritten by the values in the import file.



If defining "Content / Links" as a variable condition for a cell, enter the HTML content.




If defining "Seed List" as a variable condition for a cell, enter the Object Reference ID for the Seed List. The Object Reference ID can be found on the Seed List screen, by selecting the "Seed List" tab.

If the selected Seed List is invalid (for example, it has a different source table than the Campaign), the Seed List will not be updated for that cell.



If defining "Exclusion List" as a variable condition for a cell, enter the Object Reference ID for the Exclusion List. The Object Reference ID can be found on the Exclusion List screen, by selecting the "Exclusion List" tab.

If the selected Exclusion List is invalid (for example, it has a different source table than the Campaign), the Exclusion List will not be updated for that cell. You can add only one Exclusion List to the cell using the import file; if you need to add more Exclusion Lists, you'll need to use the application's user interface.



If defining "To Name" as a variable condition for a cell, enter the desired "to name" value. You can also include Merge Symbols if using personalization.




If defining "From Name and Sender Profile" as a variable condition for a cell, enter the name of the Sender Profile.

If the selected Sender Profile is invalid (for example, it has a different source table than the Campaign), the Sender Profile will not be updated for that cell



If defining "From Name and Sender Profile" as a variable condition for a cell, enter the desired from address.

The from address must be a valid option for the Sender Profile identified in the "sender_profile" column.



If defining "From Name and Sender Profile" as a variable condition for a cell, enter the desired friendly from name.




If defining "Reply Handlers" as a variable condition for a cell, enter the name of the desired Forwarding Handler.

If the selected Forwarding Handler is invalid, the Forwarding Handler will not be updated for that cell.



If defining "Reply Handlers" as a variable condition for a cell, enter the name of the desired Auto-Reply Handler.

If the selected Auto-Reply Handler is invalid, the Auto-Reply Handler will not be updated for that cell.



If defining "Email Headers" as a variable condition for a cell, enter the Blind Carbon Copy email address(es).




If defining "Email Headers" as a variable condition for a cell, enter the reply-to email address.




If defining "Sending Schedule" as a variable condition for a cell, either:

  • Enter "immediately" to send messages immediately after the message building phase is complete, or

  • Enter the desired Send Schedule Start date / time in the format: "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"

If you provide an invalid date, the Send Schedule will not be updated for that cell.




If defining "Messages Per Hour" as a variable condition for a cell, enter the number of messages to send per hour (increment of 500).

If you provide an invalid value (non-numeric, or not divisible by 500), the Messages Per Hour will not be updated for that cell



If defining "PURL" as a variable condition for a cell, enter the Form ID (i.e., Object Reference ID) for the Web Form. The Form ID can be found on the Web Form screen, by selecting the "Web Form" tab.

If the selected Web Form is invalid, the PURL will not be updated for that cell.



If defining "PURL" as a variable condition for a cell, enter either:

  • "prefix" -- insert the personalization value at the beginning of the URL

  • "suffix" -- insert the personalization value at the end of the URL




Enter your preheader text here.




If you to not want to use automatic padding after the preheader, this value must be "1".  And leave it blank if you want the preheader padding to be added.

If you do not have the Preheader cell filled out, then this section is void. Padding is automatically turned off. 

AC, etc.

meta:<metadata field name>

If defining "Metadata" as a variable condition for a cell, enter the value for the indicated Metadata field. If you need to define multiple Metadata fields, insert each Metadata field as a new column in the import file.

If you provide an invalid Metadata field name, or an invalid value for a Metadata field, the Metadata will not be updated for that cell.




Note: This feature isn't available for Campaigns that use EDP as the data source.

Rather than setting up your import spreadsheet from scratch, the system offers a sample spreadsheet that you can download and use as a starting point for creating your own spreadsheet. This sample file contains all the proper column headings, and some sample data that illustrates how the "cell_code" and "parent_cell_code" columns are designed to worth together to allow you to create a multi-level cell hierarchy. To download this sample spreadsheet:

  1. On the "1. Setup Cell Tree" screen, click import from spreadsheet. The "Import from Spreadsheet" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. Click the "Download a sample spreadsheet" link. The system displays a download file dialog.

  3. Click open to open the sample file, or click save to browse to and select the location where you want to save the sample file.

Note: Download the latest sample spreadsheet to use all the columns including the preheader, padding and Metadata. The sample file will automatically contain all of your Metadata fields as columns, so you can import Metadata values into the Split Cells. To include preheader and padding to your existing spreadsheet, you must add them before the Metadata columns.

Once you have your spreadsheet ready, you can import it into your Campaign.

  1. On the "1. Setup Cell Tree" screen, click import from spreadsheet. The "Import from Spreadsheet" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. Click choose file, and browse to and select your import file.

  3. Click import. The system imports your spreadsheet and populates the cells in the Campaign. If the import process encounters any errors, fix your spreadsheet and retry the import.