New Item


The New Item screen can be used to define new items within Engage+, such as Campaigns, Filters, or Content Blocks. This screen can also be used to upload assets, such as HTML files or images, into the platform for use in your marketing efforts.

Optionally, you can create multiple Email Campaigns, SMS Campaigns, Content Blocks, and Web Pages simultaneously, and populate the different content format versions of those items, through the use of a "Manifest file." For more details, please see: Create New Items with a Manifest File.

The campaign managers can upload a single Dynamic Content Uploader Spreadsheet via the Upload button in Create Items. This eliminates the need to create separate spreadsheets for each dynamic block within a mailing. Here you can upload one master sheet that efficiently assigns dynamic variables to all dynamic blocks, reducing setup times significantly to just a matter of minutes. This feature is particularly beneficial for mailings that heavily rely on dynamic content.     


The New Item screen is accessible by the following method:


Hosted Items










Data Integration

Upload Hosted Item


Dynamic Block


Web Page




Campaign Report


Manual Import



Content Block


Web Form






Export Template



Looping Block








API Post



External Content Block








Device Registration



Data File Template











Dynamic Data File











Print Template






















Template Block