Email Validation and Cleansing Options


Engage+ can perform simple validation and cleansing for fields that are set with a Data Type of "Email." This feature is not enabled by default and must be enabled for your account. When enabled, different levels of cleansing and validation can be selected. These options are configurable as the regions of the world have different requirements.

Most clients who decide to use email validation and cleansing will apply the same rules universally to all email addresses that get imported into the system. However, you can optionally apply selected rules based on some differentiator. For example, you could have separate brands that utilize different email validation and cleansing rules. If you need these rules to be applied based on a differentiating factor, you will likely need separate "Parent" systems, as all selected rules are applied to all "Child" Systems, and can't vary from one Child system to another. For more information on Parent / Child systems, please see Multi Division Accounts.


Email cleansing checks the incoming email address, and modifies the data based on the cleansing rules in an attempt to convert it into a syntax-correct email address. If successful, the corrected email address is then loaded to the database. Optionally, if needed, you can also store the original, unchanged email address in a separate field in your database

The email cleansing options supported by Messaging are listed on the Data Parsing Help topic.


Email validation checks the incoming email address to confirm that it is valid against specific rules, including syntax, domain, role accounts and some ISP rules. If the email address does not pass validation, the email address is rejected and it will not be loaded to the database. If the email address is the primary key for the table to which it is being imported, the entire record will be rejected and not loaded. If the email address is not the primary key, the email address will be rejected, but the other attributes will still be loaded.

The email validation options supported by Messaging are listed on the Data Parsing Help topic.


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