Email Ban Lists

For all clients who utilize the email Channel, the platform maintains a global, integrated Banned Email list. This global Banned Email list contains email addresses that should not be contacted under any circumstances. For example: domains listed by the Federal Communications Commission that can't be mailed to; inactive or retired domains; and email addresses with prefixes commonly used by spammers.  

When you import recipient email address data into your database, by default the platform checks those email addresses against the global Banned Email list, and flags matching records with the Status ID value of "1575 - Banned Address. " Email addresses with this Status ID value will automatically be suppressed from email Campaigns. You can see the number of recipients in your Campaign Audience that matched to the global Banned Email list by looking at the "Banned Addresses (Global)" count in the Pre-Launch Audits.

Note: You can optionally bypass the Banned Email check when you import data. See the Data Map topic for more details.

In addition to this global Banned Email list, the platform allows you to define your own custom Banned Email list that contains specific prefixes or domains that you want to suppress from your email Campaigns. Imported data will then be checked against both your custom Banned Email list and the global Banned Email list. You can see the number of recipients in your Campaign Audience that matched to your custom Banned List by looking at the "Banned Addresses (System)" count in the Pre-Launch Audits.

Please note that you can't have a custom Banned Email list without also enabling the global Email Banned list. A custom list is always used "in addition" to the global list, not "in place of."

For more information on how to create a custom Banned Email list, please see the Email Ban Help topic.


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