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Rewards Kit

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This kit supports the following:

  • Reward Detail View
  • Navigation to different Reward Types
  • Custom Responder Views for each of the Rewars Types
  • Reward Redemption Flow
  • Redemption Detail View
  • Redemption using Awards


Rewards Kit doesn’t have an additional configuration requirement. Once the Cheetah Digital Core Kit configuration is satisfied, the kit can be used as intended.


To replace or override a string, add the string key in your application’s Localizable.strings and provide a new value. See all string keys used in Rewards Kit Localization.


The Kit uses a direct Detail-Responder flow with an assumption that an access token is already granted. To know more about access tokens and authentication, see Getting Started for the initial setup.


  1. Import frameworks to use its components

     import CheetahDigitalRewards
  2. Instantiate RewardDetailContentController and RewardDetailViewController with a Reward ID provided.

     let sampleRewardID = 230
     let rewardDetailController = RewardDetailController(id: sampleRewardID)
     let rewardDetailViewController = RewardDetailViewController(detailController: rewardDetailController)

Features that require App-Side Implementation

  1. Provide an Image Loader

     CheetahImageLoader.default = AppSideImageLoader()

    The AppSideImageLoader is a class which implements the loading of an image conforming to the methods provided by ImageLoader. This will be used to diplay images on the Detail Screen and some of the Responder Views. See Cheetah Digital UI Kit for the complete steps on how to implement the Image Loader.

  2. Provide the countries and states by saving the data in User Defaults using the key:


    See Cheetah Digital UI Kit for the full implementation. For this Kit, these countries and states will be used for the Shipping View Address when redeeming a Physical Product Reward.

  3. To fully support Challenge Reward Type, override the navigate(toChallenge: challenge) method.

     override func navigate(to challenge: Challenge) {
     	let controller = ChallengeDetailController(id: id)
     	let detail = ChallengeDetailViewController(detailController: controller)


Default Detail View


A Detail View which contains an image, labels and a button which navigates to a Responder View depending on the type of the reward. These are the supported types of rewards in this kit:

  • badge
  • certificate
  • challenge
  • contest
  • coupon
  • debit
  • couponCom
  • giftcard
  • metric
  • metricPurchase
  • metricTransfer
  • offer
  • product
  • dynamic


A Detail View that displays the reward detail after redemption.

Default Responder Views

Generic Reward Types

Shows a loading view upon tapping the action button and an alert message upon redemption. Most of the reward types uses this kind of Responder method except from Certificate, Challenge, Metric Transfer and Physical Product

Certificate Reward Type

Almost the same as the generic types except that upon redemption, the certificate code is displayed and can be copied.

Challenge Reward Type

Almost the same as the generic types that shows an alert upon redemption. However, upon tapping the alert button, the expected behavior is to navigate the user to the target Challenge Detail. Note that the navigation isn’t included on this kit. The implementation to fully support the functionality is included in the setup instructions. See Additional Setup on how to implement the navigation on the app-side.

Metric Transfer Reward Type

Displays a view with a slider for choosing the desired amount to transfer.

Physical Product Reward Type

Allows user to pick different product attributes depending on the configuration of the reward object. It also includes an option whether to ship the reward or claim it in-store. See Additional Setup for the Shipping Address requirement.


Rewards can be redeemed using awards. The same flow, functionality and default views follows, just provide the awardId upon initialization of the Reward Detail.

let rewardDetailController = RewardDetailController(id: 234, awardId: 345)
let rewardDetailViewController = RewardDetailViewController(detailController: rewardDetailController)


If the provided default implementations do not satisfy your application’s requirements, you have 3 options for customization.

  1. Subclass the default classes and override its methods and/or properties you wish to modify.
  2. For protocols RewardResponder and RewardResponderFactory you can create your own classes that conform to those protocols and use it instead of the defaults.
  3. You can use a combination of your custom classes and the default classes.