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The Badges kit provides access to badges that are earned / granted to a user. Users can view and show their badges to friends and other members.

On this page:


The Badges kit follows the Master / Detail navigation flow. The list is displated using a RecyclerView with items laid out in a grid. The details view displays the details of a Badge.

To include the Badges kit, open the Gradle Scripts | build.gradle (Module: app) and add the following to the dependencies section:

   implementation '<version>'

Launching the Badges Activity

Assuming that the Badges kit will be launched from a MainActivity, you can follow the succeeding steps to launch the BadgesListActivity from a Button’s OnClickListener:

  1. Add the BadgesListActivity to the AndroidManifest.xml.

    <activity android:name="com.cheetahdigital.badges.ui.list.BadgesListActivity"
            <action android:name="${applicationId}.BADGES_LIST"/>
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
  2. In the MainActivity, add a Button that will launch the BadgesListActivity

    mButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
               public void onClick(View v) {
                   // Launch Badges Activity
                   startActivity(new Intent(Actions.Badges.getBadgesListAction(MainActivity.this)));

Theme Customization

The Kits leverage on Android’s built-in support for Styles and Themes. Overriding the Styles and Themes of the app will also change the corresponding Views used in this kit.

Layout Customization

Customizing Layouts via XML

In order to modify the layout of the list, list item, or details screen, you must create a copy of the following and modify as desired:

  • activity_badges_list.xml - layout of the Activity that displays the list of badges
  • list_item_badge.xml - layout of each item in the list of badges
  • fragment_badge_summary.xml - details layout when a badge in the list is selected

To read more about style-able Layout XMLs, please visit the Layout Customization via XML document.

Customizing Layouts via Code

There are certain cases that you may want to use a highly-customized layout for an Activity. To read more about this, please visit the Layout Customization via Code document. The classes used in the Badges kit are:

  • BadgesListActivity and BadgesListFragment - used to display the list of badges.

Customizing Handlers

In cases where changes in the default behavior of an Activity/Fragment is warranted. Extend the Activity/Fragment that needs to be customized and override as necessary.

Handlers may occur in different places:

  • Adapters - for lists
  • Member variables inside Activities or Fragments
  • Member variables inside custom Widgets - for stand-alone custom Widgets

To start with, look at the classes mentioned in Customizing Layouts via Code, along with BadgesAdapter, which is used for displaying the list of badges.

Fully Custom UI

If changing the layout does not suffice for the requirements, full customization is always an option. The following are the methods you can use from the BadgesAPI class:

getBadge(BadgeParams badgeParams, boolean clearCache, ListenerModel<BaseModel<Badge>, Badge> listener)

getBadges(BadgeParams badgeParams, boolean clearCache, ListenerModel<BaseModel<Metadata>, Metadata> listener)

getMemberBadges(BadgeParams badgeParams, boolean clearCache, ListenerModel<BaseModel<Badges>, Badges> listener)

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